Asociación ASDIR
Kiva conducts regular, ongoing monitoring of all Lending Partners, but only posts status updates here in response to relevant, major changes at the partner.
Status update — February 3, 2017
Kiva and Asociación ASDIR have agreed to end their partnership after 8+ years and more than $2.8 million in loans raised. This Lending Partner has repaid its outstanding balance to Kiva in full, and these funds have been distributed to lenders. We thank Asociación ASDIR for the years of collaboration and wish them success in their future endeavors.
Partner description:
Asociacion de Desarrollo Integral Rural (ASDIR, or the Association for the Development of Rural Communities) is a community-based organization that works to promote development in rural Guatemala. Founded in 1999 by local men and women, ASDIR offers group loans and has grown to include eight offices across six Guatemalan Departments, serving about 10,000 clients.
ASDIR’s goal is to be a profitable and socially responsible, regulated microfinance institution with nationwide coverage, specializing in the support of rural economies through financial products that exceed the expectations and needs of their clients.
The organization offers loans for businesses of all sizes, social interest housing for low-income clients, agriculture, groups of women through community banks, consumer goods (furniture, appliances, vehicles, education), home construction and improvement, land purchases, and technology purchases (computers, office equipment).
In addition to loans, ASDIR also offers insurance, remittance processing, and utility payment services to make financial transactions safer and easier for its clients.
ASDIR is always creating new financial products to better serve rural communities. The newest addition is the “Community Banks” loan tailored to groups of low-income women in rural areas. For most group members, this is their first experience taking out credit.
To promote community development alongside economic security, ASDIR offers affordable typing and computer courses. It also runs a youth-entrepreneurship program to instill young people with financial knowledge and skills. This program was instrumental in installing school crossing signs and trash cans to keep students safe and facilities clean.
ASDIR’s staff is made up of dedicated locals who speak both Spanish and K’iche, the first and sometimes only language used by rural borrowers. By employing locals, the organization strives to maintain an atmosphere of acceptance and warmth to make clients comfortable.
ASDIR (Asociación de Desarrollo Integral Rural) es una organización comunitaria que promueve el desarrollo en las aldeas y comunidades en las que da servicio. Fue fundada en 1999 en la Aldea Nimasac, Departamento de Totonicapán por un grupo de hombres y mujeres para apoyar proyectos comunitarios y prestamos grupales. Hoy ASDIR tiene 8 puntos de servicios en 6 departamentos (Totonicapán, Sololá, Suchitepéquez, Quiche, Huehuetenango y San Marcos) y cuenta con más de 9728 asociados, la mayoría en comunidades rurales.
Somos una entidad de desarrollo incluyente, que facilita el acceso a productos financieros y de fortalecimiento empresarial, especialmente a población rural pobre, contribuyendo a mejorar la calidad de vida.
Ser una entidad microfinanciera regulada, rentable y socialmente responsable, con cobertura nacional; especializada en apoyar el crecimiento de la economía rural, a través de productos financieros que excedan la expectativas y necesidades de nuestros clientes.
- Responsabilidad
- Transparencia
- Solidaridad
- Confianza
- Honradez
- Igualdad
- Respeto
- Lealtad
- Microempresa
- Pequeña y Mediana Empresa
- Empresa grande
- Vivienda de interés social
- Agricultura
- Bancos Comunales (grupos de mujeres de bajos recursos en áreas rurales)
- Consumo (muebles, electrodomésticos, educación y vehículos)
- Construcción y remodelación de vivienda
- Compra de terreno
- Grupos Solidarios (grupos de 2 a 7 personas con negocios establecidos)
- Tecnología (computadoras y equipo de oficina)
ASDIR también ofrece otros servicios:
- Seguros
- Pago de remesas
- Pago de servicios (luz y teléfono)
ASDIR busca y prueba nuevos productos para servir a la comunidad. El producto más nuevo son los Bancos Comunales, que es un préstamo grupal enfocado en mujeres de bajos ingresos en áreas rurales. La mayoría de las asociadas en la fase piloto estaba recibiendo su primer crédito. ASDIR también cuenta con acuerdos con negocios y fabricantes locales para financiar computadoras y equipos comerciales.
Por el lado del desarrollo comunitario, ASDIR ofrece clases de mecanografía y computación a bajo costo y también ha participado en las comunidades instalando señales para cruces peatonales en áreas escolares para mejorar la seguridad de los estudiantes y mediante el programa de jóvenes emprendedores instalaron varios botes de basura públicos.
La junta directiva es un grupo activo que tiene varias comisiones que se reúnen frecuentemente, y visitan las sucursales. Además esta junta cuenta con varios miembros fundadores de la institución que se encargan de mantener a la institución en la dirección correcta.
El personal de ASDIR es un grupo dedicado de miembros de la comunidad, hablan K’iche y Español y esto les permite crear una atmósfera amigable para los asociados y futuros clientes. Aunque el idioma oficial de Guatemala es el español, en algunos casos los y futuros asociados solo hablan K’iche.
Repayment Performance on Kiva
This Lending Partner | All Kiva Partners | ||
Start Date On Kiva | May 30, 2008 | Oct 12, 2005 | |
Total Loans | $2,805,950 | $2,092,672,095 | |
Amount of raised Inactive loans | $0 | $579,800 | |
Number of raised Inactive loans | 0 | 189 | |
Amount of Paying Back Loans | $0 | $157,499,310 | |
Number of Paying Back Loans | 0 | 190,853 | |
Amount of Ended Loans | $2,805,950 | $1,886,382,580 | |
Number of Ended Loans | 2,059 | 2,547,551 | |
Delinquency Rate | 0.00% | 12.84% | |
Amount in Arrears | $0 | $12,502,487 | |
Outstanding Portfolio | $0 | $97,389,389 | |
Number of Loans Delinquent | 0 | 76,910 | |
Default Rate | 3.51% | 1.83% | |
Amount of Ended Loans Defaulted | $98,441 | $34,471,608 | |
Number of Ended Loans Defaulted | 212 | 91,782 | |
Currency Exchange Loss Rate | 0.00% | 0.47% | |
Amount of Currency Exchange Loss | $0 | $13,160,969 | |
Refund Rate | 0.97% | 0.54% | |
Amount of Refunded Loans | $27,350 | $11,312,085 | |
Number of Refunded Loans | 13 | 9,892 |
Loan Characteristics On Kiva
This Lending Partner | All Kiva Partners | ||
Loans to Women Borrowers | 73.48% | 78.58% | |
Average Loan Size | $327 | $394 | |
Average Individual Loan Size | $656 | $584 | |
Average Group Loan Size | $2,347 | $1,918 | |
Average number of borrowers per group | 8.6 | 8.3 | |
Average GDP per capita (PPP) in local country | $5,300 | $5,591 | |
Average Loan Size / GDP per capita (PPP) | 6.17% | 7.04% | |
Average Time to Fund a Loan | 4.12 days | 9.17 days | |
Average Dollars Raised Per Day Per Loan | $79.45 | $42.95 | |
Average Loan Term | 11.54 months | 11.51 months |
Journaling Performance on Kiva
This Lending Partner | All Kiva Partners | ||
Total Journals | 377 | 1,246,047 | |
Journaling Rate | 17.14% | 41.87% | |
Average Number of Comments Per Journal | 0.06 | 0.02 | |
Average Number of Recommendations Per Journal | 1.89 | 0.54 |
Borrowing Cost Comparison (based on 2014 data)
This Lending Partner | Median for MFI's in Country | All Kiva Partners | ||
Average Cost to Borrower | 35% PY | 31.00% PY | 27.70% PY | |
Profitability (return on assets) | 0.6% | 4.5% | -2.47% | |
Average Loan Size (% of per capita income) | N/A | 18.00% | 0.00% |
Country Fast Facts
- Country:
- Guatemala
- Capital:
- Guatemala City
- Official Language:
- Spanish (official) 60%, Amerindian languages 40%
- Population:
- 14,647,083
- Avg Annual Income:
- $5,300
- Labor Force:
- agriculture: 38%, industry: 14%, services: 48%
- Population Below Poverty Line:
- 54.00%
- Literacy Rate:
- 75.90%
- Infant Mortality Rate (per 1000):
- 23.51 deaths
- Life Expectancy:
- 71.74 years