Kiva conducts regular, ongoing monitoring of all Lending Partners, but only posts status updates here in response to relevant, major changes at the partner. 

June 9, 2020 - COVID-19 Update:

Kiva has been in contact with Interactuar to understand how we can best support their business and borrowers during the ever-evolving COVID-19 pandemic. We continue to prioritize the safety and well-being of all staff, borrowers and their families as this global pandemic continues.

While country-specific responses to the crisis vary, most governments have imposed curfews, travel restrictions, and nation-wide shutdowns. Colombia has imposed temporary moratoriums on loan payments, affecting not only microfinance, but the economy as a whole. 

As a result, borrowers and Interactuar may experience difficulty making and collecting loan repayments due to the aforementioned restrictions or fallout effects of the virus. Over the coming months, it’s possible that lenders will see a delay in repayments and new loans posted by Interactuar. As an impact-first funder, Kiva is committed to serving our Lending Partners, as in past crises. We are sympathetic to temporary increases in repayment delays and delinquency in order to help Lending Partners and borrower communities recover. 

Kiva is working closely with Interactuar to support them and their borrowers through the COVID-19 crisis. Interactuar is sending regular updates to Kiva, and we'll update Partner Pages as we learn more. 

On behalf of Kiva and Interactuar, we’re grateful for your continued support through this difficult time. 

The Lending Partner

Interactuar is a non-profit institution offering microfinance, practical vocational courses and business development services to rural and urban micro-entrepreneurs in low-income communities in Colombia. Since 1983, they have been working to create sustainable employment opportunities for communities affected by its armed conflict, geographic exclusion and high unemployment. 

Interactuar's services target low-income microentrepreneurs to assist them in starting a business and/or growing the efficiency and competitiveness of their existing micro-business.

Unique Lending Approach:

Interactuar´s loans are offered to low-income aspiring or existing micro-entrepreneurs who don´t have access to normal streams of financing due to lack of credit history, collateral or rural/geographic exclusion. Interactuar goes to urban areas and remote towns that otherwise would not have access to financing.

Borrowers also have access to Interactuar´s full suite of business development services and vocational courses meant to prepare clients with practical experience.  This is an especially unique suite of services as bottom of the pyramid business owners do not usually have access to these kind of consulting services.

All of these services are designed to provide small business owners with holistic support in order to help generate sustainable businesses for low-income communities in Colombia. 

Repayment Performance on Kiva

    This Lending Partner All Kiva Partners
  Start Date On Kiva Dec 16, 2010 Oct 12, 2005
Total Loans $25,013,225 $2,087,856,245
Amount of raised Inactive loans $2,525 $380,350
Number of raised Inactive loans 4 247
Amount of Paying Back Loans $1,535,175 $153,443,670
Number of Paying Back Loans 2,214 185,223
Amount of Ended Loans $23,475,525 $1,885,821,820
Number of Ended Loans 40,698 2,547,050
Delinquency Rate 11.35% 13.68%
Amount in Arrears $104,447 $12,755,589
Outstanding Portfolio $805,455 $93,228,495
Number of Loans Delinquent 1,257 79,167
Default Rate 7.85% 1.83%
Amount of Ended Loans Defaulted $1,842,046 $34,451,404
Number of Ended Loans Defaulted 5,888 91,720
Currency Exchange Loss Rate 2.75% 0.47%
Amount of Currency Exchange Loss $687,497 $13,160,969
Refund Rate 0.18% 0.54%
Amount of Refunded Loans $45,925 $11,312,085
Number of Refunded Loans 51 9,892

Loan Characteristics On Kiva

    This Lending Partner All Kiva Partners
  Loans to Women Borrowers 57.40% 78.58%
Average Loan Size $583 $394
Average Individual Loan Size $583 $584
Average Group Loan Size $0 $1,917
Average number of borrowers per group 0 8.3
Average GDP per capita (PPP) in local country $11,100 $5,592
Average Loan Size / GDP per capita (PPP) 5.25% 7.04%
Average Time to Fund a Loan 14.18 days 9.17 days
Average Dollars Raised Per Day Per Loan $41.12 $42.93
  Average Loan Term 16.7 months 11.5 months

Journaling Performance on Kiva

    This Lending Partner All Kiva Partners
  Total Journals 52,831 1,242,609
  Journaling Rate 86.04% 41.86%
  Average Number of Comments Per Journal 0.00 0.02
  Average Number of Recommendations Per Journal 0.00 0.54

Borrowing Cost Comparison (based on 2017 data)

    This Lending Partner Median for MFI's in Country All Kiva Partners
  Average Cost to Borrower 33% PY 32.00% PY 27.70% PY
  Profitability (return on assets) -1.25% 5.1% -2.47%
  Average Loan Size (% of per capita income) N/A 23.00% 0.00%

Country Fast Facts

Lending Partner Staff

David Bustamante Florez
Tannia Castellanos
Alexandra Castro
Miguel Chumpitaz
Juan Giraldo Vanegas
Carlos Hernandez Londoño
Andres Jaramillo
Yady Jaramillo Saldarriaga
Sirley Londoño Valencia
Astrid Medina Orozco
Claudia Osorio Uran
Andres Ospina
Camila Rua Jaramillo
Brayan Sierra
Manuela Velásquez Marín
Diagnery Velez
Juan Mauricio Vélez Castañeda
Ana Zapata Rodriguez