Kiva Lender jan & john

- location:
- Calgary, AB, Canada
- occupation:
- grandparents
- I loan because:
- We won the birth lottery. Others in our world have not been as fortunate. Kiva gives us an opportunity to share our many blessings with someone who needs a helping hand up! we do what we can to support people within our own community but lending with Kiva allows us to help those who have nowhere else to turn.
- About me:
- ... we are both Christians trying to see the face of God where ever we turn and in whoever we meet. ... we are also "born straight but refuse to hate" so we fly the rainbow flag when opportunity arises. We were very sad when we became aware of Kiva's connection to Strathmore University in Kenya and through that to Opus Dei and their blatant anti-gay message. We are much more careful choosing our loans and still enjoy being members of various teams. We look for green loans or older borrowers and still support the Fight Fistulas team and also the Tareto Maa team, both do wonderful work to save young girls from suffering, the Smile Train team who help children who need cleft surgery, Team Canada and of course Calgary has a lot a really great people here helping others ;)
- Member since:
- Nov 22, 2007