

A loan of $1,425 helps to buy materials needed to expand a cassava plant farming business.


Eric's story

Eric is a 32-year-old man who resides in the village of Ruhango, and he lives with his wife and one child. He has been in agriculture for over 5 years, and he has been cultivating maize, vegetables and cassava. The harvest of all of those crops gives him an income in order to live and improve his family's standard of living. Almost 2 years have passed as he has increased his efforts to cultivate cassava plants and run his business.

He is requesting 2,000,000 Rwandan francs from Clecam Ejoheza Plc to buy materials needed in order to expand the project of cultivating cassava plants. Some of those materials he needs to buy are other areas, pours, and fertilizers. He also needs to hire workers. After the harvest he expects to earn more money, which will help him to prepare for another agriculture season and become self-sufficient with his family.

Eric is very thankful for your support!

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