Llaneth Noemi

Llaneth Noemi

A loan of $1,600 helps to buy pigs to fatten, feed, vitamins, balanced growth and fattening formula to care for her animals in good conditions.

Llaneth Noemi

Llaneth Noemi's story

Llaned is 49 years old. She lives with her family in the parish of Cahuasqui, which is part of the Urcuqui canton, in the province of Imbabura, in northern Ecuador.

Llaned works in agriculture. She works as a day laborer and also raises animals, such as pigs and chickens. She does these jobs in order to make income to cover her family's expenses.

Llaned seeks a loan to buy pigs to fatten, feed, vitamins, and balanced growth and fattening formula to care for her animals in good conditions. She can then sell them at a good price in the market, and have a good profit margin.

Llaned is very grateful to Kiva for the help it is providing her. It will allow her continue with her business, as it is her primary source of income.

Previous loan details

Llaneth Noemi's previous loan

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteerLaurie Hiller. View original language description.

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