Mirama Bakyara Tutungukye Group

Mirama Bakyara Tutungukye Group

A loan of $1,200 helps a member to buy more fish and vegetables to add to her business.

Mirama Bakyara Tutungukye Group

Mirama Bakyara Tutungukye Group's story

Grensi is a married woman aged 51 years, from Isingiro district in Western Uganda. She has 6 children.

Grensi is a businesswoman hawking fish and fresh vegetables around her town. Her husband is a farmer of honey and bananas, where they get food for the family.

Grensi is a repeat client with EBO SACCO, and her debt repayment has been outstanding. She has applied for a loan to help her with capital to add to her fish business and buy more vegetables to sell.

In this group: Janet, Jozirine, Keduresi, Sarume, Lovina, Evath, Jovia, Midius, Agata, Grensi, Goreti

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