A loan of $550 helps to buy pesticides to apply in his gardens of tomatoes and cabbage.
James's story
James is a 50-year-old man and a permanent resident of Isingiro district. He is married with three children who are school-going, and all depend on him for basic needs.
James is a farmer who grows tomatoes and cabbages to earn a living and take care of his family and pay his children’s school fees. He faces a challenge of pests and diseases that leads to low harvests and low profits.
James is repeat borrower of EBO SACCO with good character, and he has been paying well his previous installment very well.
He applied for an agriculture loan to buy pesticides to apply in his garden of cabbage and tomatoes so that he be can able to have more harvests and profits.
James wishes to have a stable source of income to be able to take care of his family since he is the head of the family.