

A loan of $825 helps to buy more sacks of rice, beans, maize and simsim.


Gloria's story

Gloria is a 40year old Lady, she is married mother of 3 school going children. She is a resident of lira city who deals in produce where she buys a variety of cereals like beans, rice, simsim, and maize during harvest season when prices are low. She keeps them and resells during planting season when the prices have increased.

She has been in this business for over 10 years, and she has been able to supplement her family's income. However, she faces the challenge of limited funds to expand her business. She has requested for funds worth 3 million UGX to buy more sacks of rice, beans, maize, and simsim. She hopes her profitability margin will improve and she will be able to afford some the basic needs like medical care for her family. Thank you, funders.

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