A loan of $975 helps to empower her weaving business by buying the pandanus needed.
Piulisi's story
Meet this client named Piulisi. She is married and a mother of two kids. They live together in her parents' house where they have their small house at the back yard.
Currently, Piulisi still manages to operate her weaving business without fail. She can weave the taovala because she conducts weaving by herself and sometimes her mother helps. This weaving business is the main income of her small family. They rely on this weaving business.
Her dreams for her family are in the future to be able to build a new house for them to live. She joined the SPBD loan program to assist her in terms of money, so she believes if she continues joining this loan program it will empower her small weaving business to generate more income for her family. From that she will be able to save more money to realize her dream for her family. This loan will empower her weaving business by buying the amount of pandanus needed for her weaving. The more pandanus, the more the taovala can bewoven and the more income will be earned in the future.