Duteraninkunga Cba  Sub Grp A Group

Duteraninkunga Cba Sub Grp A Group

A loan of $8,125 helps a member to buy more shirts, dresses, and t-shirts to sell.

Duteraninkunga Cba  Sub Grp A Group

Duteraninkunga Cba Sub Grp A Group's story

Duteraninkunga Cba Sub Grp A is a group represented by Julienne who is 38 years old. The group members work hard in order to improve their standard of living. Julienne is a married mother with two children aged 9 and 14 years old. In English, the group name means supporting each other.

Julienne sells clothes and has been doing this business for the past four years. With the loan, she would like to buy more shirts, dresses, and t-shirts to sell. The profits from Julienne's business will be used to increase her savings.

In this group: Leira, Alphonse, Theodomir, Joseph, Francois, Angelique, Jean, Charles, Julienne, Alphonse, Pamfire, Emmanuel, Emmanuel, Anastase, Medeatrice, Grace, Floride, Enock, Ange

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