Ma. Dexie

Ma. Dexie

A loan of $1,050 helps to purchase canned goods, noodles, beverages and toiletries.

Ma. Dexie

Ma. Dexie's story

Ma. Dexie has been a grocery store owner for seven years. She sells basic commodities ranging from edible oil, canned goods, noodles, beverages and spices to toiletries. She is a mother of one dependent child. Moreover, she also sells dried fish, spices and vegetables.

At this time, she has decided to avail herself of a loan. She will use it to purchase canned goods, noodles, beverages and toiletries.

With the help of this loan, she could restock the inventory in her shop and improve her daily income. She is doing her best to continue to manage her existing store to become more productive in the future.

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