Ma. Theresa

Ma. Theresa

A loan of $1,225 helps to purchase ice cream and frozen goods like fish ball and tempura.

Ma. Theresa

Ma. Theresa's story

Ma. Theresa runs a shop and sells cold refreshments for five years. She sells ice cream to the locals in her place. Moreover, she also sells biscuits and street foods like fish ball and tempura (battered and deep-fried vegetables, seafood). They are usually fried and skewered and dipped in sweet and hot sauce. She is married woman and has one child. Her husband works as a private employee.

She needs an additional capital through a loan from CEVI to continue expanding her business. She will use her loan to purchase ice cream and frozen goods like fish ball and tempura. In the future, she would like to expand her business to be successful in order to support her family.

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